
"Savanna view" by TimoOK is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

What is a Savanna

A savanna is a biome that is located in between a tropical rainforest and a desert. They are grasslands with isolated trees and shrubs. They warm all year long and have a dry season and a wet season. In the dry season averages 4 in and between December and February there is no rain. In the wet season, there is around 15 - 25 in of rain. The savannas have many large hoofed mammals and the largest savanna are found in Africa, Australia, and South America.


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Threats include logging, overgrazing of domestic animals, invasive species, and agricultural convergence.

Biomes, Blue Planet. “Savanna Biome.” Blue Planet Biomes - Savanna Biome,

“How Can We Save the Savanna Ecosystem?: AMNH.” American Museum of Natural History,