Temperate Grasslands

What is a Temperate Grassland

Grasslands are fields of grass with very few trees and some shrubs. They receive 500 - 900 mm of rain per year. They are found on all continents except for Antarctica.


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Threats include poor agricultural practices, grazing livestock, pesticides, and invasive species.

“Grassland: Mission: Biomes.” NASA, NASA, https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/biome/biograssland.php#:~:text=Temperate%20grasslands%20have%20cold%20winters,to%20the%20lack%20of%20rainfall.

Wolters, Claire. “Grasslands Threats and Solutions, Facts and Information.” Environment, National Geographic, 3 May 2021, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/grassland-threats#:~:text=Grasslands%20are%20threatened%20by%20habitat,%2C%20overgrazing%2C%20and%20crop%20clearing.