
What are Go-away-birds?

The Go-away-birds get their name from a call that they make when they warn other birds of danger. These birds belong to the genus Corythaixoides in the Turaco family. They are found in southern Africa and unlike other turacos, they like to live in open country rather than dense forests. In the wild, they spend a lot of time perched with a small group. These birds have a diet of mostly fruit and berries and are sloppy in their flight.

The Three Species...

Bare-Faced Go-away-bird

Corythaixoides personatus

The Bare-Faced Go-away-bird has a bushy crest and a mostly white head and breast. It's found in moist Savannas, Woodlands, Shrubby Cultivations, and Gardens. They are very loud and vocal. Females have green beaks while males have black beaks. They nest in tall acacia trees and lay around 2 to 3 eggs.

Grey Go-away-bird

Corythaixoides concolor

The Grey Go-away-bird has a long tail and a towering crest. It is all grey in coloration and is the more well-known of the three species. They like to live in dry open savanna woodlands. They raise their crest when they get excited and they are incredible climbers.

White-bellied Go-away-bird

Corythaixoides leucogaster

The White-bellied Go-away-bird has a long tail and a towering crest. It has a white belly which is where it gets its name and it has two white marks on the side of the tail. It has sloppy flight and is found in arid places. These birds are very good at climbing and females have green beaks.

Image Credits: Grey Go-away-bird: "File:Grey Go-away-bird Kruger.JPG" by D. Gordon E. Robertson is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. White-bellied Go-away-bird: "White-bellied go-away-bird (Corythaixoides leucogaster)" by Lip Kee is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Bare-faced Go-away-bird: "File:Bare-faced Go-away-bird (Corythaixoides personatus).jpg" by Lip Kee Yap is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Text Citations...

“Bare-Faced Go-Away Birds.” Beauty of Birds, 3 Nov. 2022, https://beautyofbirds.com/bare-faced-go-away-birds/.

Bare-Faced Go-Away-Bird - Ebird. https://ebird.org/species/bfgbir1.

“Go-Away Birds or Louries.” Beauty of Birds, 3 Nov. 2022, https://beautyofbirds.com/go-away-birds/.

Gray Go-Away-Bird - Ebird. https://ebird.org/species/grygab1/.

“Grey Go-Away Birds, Also Known as Grey Louries, Grey Plaintain-Eaters, Grey Loeries or Kwêvoëls.” Beauty of Birds, 3 Nov. 2022, https://beautyofbirds.com/grey-go-away-birds/.

“White-Bellied Go-Away Birds.” Beauty of Birds, 3 Nov. 2022, https://beautyofbirds.com/white-bellied-go-away-birds/.

White-Bellied Go-Away-Bird - Ebird. https://ebird.org/species/wbgbir1.