Southern Toad

Southern Toad

Size: 1.5 - 3 in (3.5 - 7.5 cm)

Weight: 0.68 oz (19 g)

Diet: Carnivorous

Scientific Name: Anaxyrus terrestris

Geographical Range: The South Eastern states of the U.S.A

The Southern Toad has a color scheme of tan, reddish brown, dark brown, and grey. They have a greyish white belly and their back is marked with black spots. They have prominent crests behind their eye. They have two oval-shaped parotoid glands on each shoulder. Parotoid glands are glands that secrete a milky-like toxic substance that is used to deter predators away.

These creatures live in many terrestrial habitats but prefer to live in places that have sandy soils and ones that facilitate burrowing. This is because they have keratinized protuberances on the back of each hind leg used to dig burrows. They live in places like agricultural fields, coastal scrubs, pinewoods, and hardwood hammocks. Once the breeding season starts, which takes place from March to October, they will make their way down to places like wetlands, ponds, and shallow flooded areas to breed. Their call sounds like a hum and a whistle, these calls are very loud.

They eat insects and other small invertebrates. These include ants, beetles, bees, roaches, crickets, and snails. They get hunted by primarily snakes, especially the hog-nose snake that loves the taste of a southern toad. They do have a defense, they puff up their bodies to look larger and for it to be harder for a snake to swallow. Southern Toads live for about 10 years.

The Southern Toad uses a defense strategy, puffing itself up to look larger.

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“.” Southern Toad,

“Southern Toad (Bufo [Anaxyrus] Terrestris).” Species Profile: Southern Toad (Bufo [Anaxyrus] Terrestris) | SREL Herpetology,

Virginia Herpetological Society,